Showing posts with label Current events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Current events. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The invisible holocaust

Some people today all over the world claim to worship the earth. These people have as a sacrament of their worship, the sacrifice of infants. The infants they started with were the invisible ones. The ones that had not yet been born. Now they are reaching for children who have been born. See this column: for more information.  This (abortion) has been advanced as choice or as medical care for women. What is rarely pointed out is that even under the circumstances of a well controlled and well sterilized operating room an abortion (the murder of an innocent) is dangerous to a woman.
What also is not spoken very often is that most abortion clinics (abattoirs for the unborn or temples to a false God of death) are far from a well controlled and well sterilized operating room. In fact except for the fact that they have been declared to be legal they are still almost as bad (if not worse in some cases) as the back alley abortion doctors they were supposed to replace. They replaced them but rather than making abortion safe it just made it more prevalent.

I’m certain that this piece will make some people angry. This includes some deluded women who have bought the lie of sexual freedom. Freedom rarely indicates the ability to do whatever you want especially without consequences. This is because if society does not enforce consequences then nature surely will. Indeed the only thing that women being unwise about the use of their genitals has done is increase is the childishness of men as the men have been able to get that which most men want most without that which men fear most.

What I mean by that last statement is that most men will do most anything for sexual contact with a woman. Most men when they are honest fear commitment to one woman the most. This is because commitment to one woman prevents them from plowing the field next door so to speak. Now we all know that there will be some who will violate their commitment for whatever reason. This does not invalidate the idea that we should hold up the ideal of the kept commitment as best. Indeed the fact of violated commitment proves the necessity of consistently pointing to what we should be doing rather than saying, ‘well no one can possibly do that,’ we should say, ‘yes we have failed to do that, now it is time to get busy and try for the ideal again.’ This is because if we strive to be better people rather than settling for failure and accepting that we will never reach the ideal we become closer to the ideal. While accepting failure, especially saying that because we cannot reach perfection we should not try leads to worse and worse conditions for everyone.

© 2012 Vic Jones

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Tough Times Ahead

I extracted the following quotes from this article. I believe that it is well worth your time to read but if you don’t feel like it then consider these words of wisdom.

"The history of taxation shows that taxes which are inherently excessive are not paid. The high rates inevitably put pressure upon the taxpayer to withdraw his capital from productive business and invest it in tax-exempt securities or to find other lawful methods of avoiding the realization of taxable income. The result is that the sources of taxation are drying up; wealth is failing to carry its share of the tax burden; and capital is being diverted into channels which yield neither revenue to the Government nor profit to the people." Andrew Mellon Secretary of Treasury for Warren Harding.

It seems to me that we would be very foolish not to look at history and see what has occurred at other times from the current era to the fall of the Roman Empire which can be traced back to policies that are very similar to those of the current president of the USA.

For wisdom let us look at someone from the party he says he represents though from another time: John Kennedy.

"Our true choice is not between tax reduction, on the one hand, and the avoidance of large Federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits… In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now." John F. Kennedy

We are spending money we don’t have to make things better in the USA today. This is like a family maxing out all of its credit cards. The question remains this: What will happen when no other nation will lend us money? That I believe is a fearful day and fast approaching. Worse yet is the day when no one will accept our money, when it is viewed with the same disdain as the peso… indeed times are going to get tough.

© 2012 Vic Jones

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Income Problems or Spending Problems

I’ve heard several senators express the idea that the USA has an income problem. IE we have made commitments ([by senators] to spend money that we didn’t have [to buy votes]) that we cannot fail to meet. However I am quite old enough to recall the peanut man JECIII and remember that he too had a problem of encroaching inflation… the current administration has learned to cook the books and not report inflation (although anyone who has visited the grocery store or a gas station lately knows better) or worse yet stagflation (this is where normal investments such as houses go down in value while the necessities of life increase in price) which is happening. I would say that my personal misery index meter is beginning to show yellow and for a lot of people it is showing red! However this does not address the issue of whether or not the USA has an income problem it just indicates that we have a priority problem. The government has printed money to try to cover some of its obligations and this money has in essence driven up the price of survival.
So supposing we actually had an income problem (which we do not) the next question would be how should this problem be addressed? Many senators insist that taxes must be raised to increase the income of the USA yet in all of the world I know of no enterprise (including government) that can increase its prices and actually increase its income. In fact the most one of the most successful (profitable or highest income) businesses in the world is Wal-mart and their motto is lower prices always.

Therefore the only reason to raise taxes that I can see is for the government to either punish activity that it believes is bad or reward activity that the powers that be regard as good.

© 2011 Vic Jones

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unusual Weather

It has been snowing all day where I live. Right now there is about three inches of accumulation on the steps leading to my apartment.  To understand how unusual that is you must understand that I have neighbors with an orange tree from which they usually get oranges.

Rain at this time of year would not be unusual nor would warm weather in the mid sixties (degrees Fahrenheit) but snow? This will be a record I'm sure.

(c) 2011 Vic Jones

Monday, February 14, 2011

Current events 2/14/11

There is no such thing as state capitalism. Capitalism that is true capitalism relies on the broadest number of people having access to the ability to gain and create capital. State control is the opposite of this idea. Therefore there can be no such thing as state capitalism. Whenever the government enters a market it is like the largest business in the world seeking to establish a monopoly. And it is well known that monopolies create inferior products and service. After all if you only have one choice for the product or service why does its provider have any incentive to provide superior products or services?
© 2011 Vic Jones

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Lesson 27 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

In order to tell a believable lie the first thing you have to do is convince yourself that the lie is true.
Lying to ourselves is one of the worst habits that humanity has. It is this propensity that enables truly huge lies to be believed. The fact that we accept small lies (even demand them at times) leads us to be vulnerable to big lies.

This is the principle that Josef Goebbels recognized when he said that if you tell a lie often enough and loud enough (I’m paraphrasing) that people will eventually believe it.

The question I think we ought to ask today is this: What sorts of loud lies are we believing because we refuse to believe that someone would be so bold as to say such things if they weren’t true?

© 2011 Vic Jones

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Lesson 25 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

If someone says he wants to punish the rich because they are greedy you should ask what that person has to gain in the transaction they propose. You also should ask yourself if the person proposing to punish the rich is actually greedy…
People who are earning high incomes are called rich by our current government yet they may or may not have actually accumulated much wealth. Conversely many people who have much wealth (either inherited or accumulated) often have low incomes (or at least low earned incomes) because they have most of their assets stored in government preferred investments whether they be municipal bonds or T-bills or some project the government wants accomplished.

High income earners are the achievers of society and punishing (or taxing them) is like making fun of nerds in school.

© 2011 Vic Jones

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Wham bam thank you ma’am,

Fucked up the arse again,

’Tis a new law,

Made in haste,

’Cause it’s an emergency,

Never mind that the old laws aren’t bein’ enforced,

We just gotta pass some more laws,

To make sure all the people are confused,

And so the advent of a tyrant!

© 2010 Vic Jones

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


War is about the stupidest activity that humans engage in yet I believe it is absolutely necessary. The reason I believe this is that I believe that we must have both conflict and even combat in order to stay where we are (which is the top predator on earth) and be prepared to meet any external threat.
The reason I say war is stupid though is this; war tends to kill the young, the brilliant and the stupid without regard to what they may provide except sacrifices to that insatiable monster war!

© 2010 Vic Jones

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lesson 3 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

Courage is being willing to tell the truth when everyone around you says, 'don't say that!' or, 'if you say that about me I will kill you!'
Of late I’ve noticed that courage has become a slippery concept, but I don’t believe that should be true. Then again I think the tyrants of the world are working hard to keep as many people as possible ignorant of true courage.

© 2010 Vic Jones

Friday, November 12, 2010

An open letter to President Obama

Dear President Obama,

I don’t suppose that you have heard that the borrower is the servant of the lender? I want to know for what purpose you are borrowing money? I especially want to know, since you have essentially charged that money to my children and grandchildren as if you were the master of all identity thieves. Therefore the question becomes: What sort of man are you that you would in all probability condemn many future generations of children to abuse?

Sincerely a concerned peasant.

Lesson 2 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

Sometimes the truth hurts; sometimes this is necessary, sometimes it is not, knowing the difference is tact. Trying to enforce a no pain caused standard is political correctness and encourages lying at best.

It has come to me that often the truth is offensive because it is like light is to cockroaches. When the light comes on cockroaches head for places to hide at full speed. When people who are doing evil hear the truth about what they are doing they react with violence and hatred against the person who has told the truth about their behavior

© 2010 Vic Jones

Friday, November 05, 2010

School Reformation

I think that one thing that could be done to improve our schools is that at the end of each term a teacher should be evaluated by the class. This should be done in a manner such that the anonymity of the students could be maintained. If a teacher received an evaluation of boring from more than half of their class for more than two terms they should be fired. Why? Because they are wasting the time of our most valuable assets as a society. After all if our children are not educated (and let’s face facts if they are bored they are not being educated) then they will not grow up to be able to reach for the stars or even to be able to simply find the sort of work that will give them joy and prosperity.

© 2010 Vic Jones

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reasons for Singularity












Some I missed I’m sure!

© 2010 Vic Jones

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What To Do

Livin’ in a haze,
Drugged through our daze,

Reds and yellows and blues,

Black beauties and whites too,

Blue diamonds make superman,

Hash, pot or weed,

Horse, opium or heroin,

Coke will make you high,

LSD will send you on a trip,

Or go on a magic mushroom ride…

Then one day we find,

Chains of sharp wire,

Binding us tight,

We are slaves,

And no drug will change,

That hard cold fact!

© 2010 Vic Jones

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Scary Stuff

The truth my friends, is often so frightening that we refuse to believe it. At other times it seems to be insulting. Barak Obama decries the fact that the government can’t be moved as fast as he wants it to be. Yet as I study the history of the USA I find that the founders wanted a small government. Granted they didn’t really trust big business either as there is some truth in the idea that the larger a business gets the more aspects of a government it takes on. So now we have a president who is consolidating all the businesses in the country allowing the big banks to crowd out the little banks, buying car companies and consolidating health care so you have no choice as to where or from whom you get care (if you can get care soon [after all contrary to what he said it will still cost more {or there will be fewer doctors, after all who would go into medicine if they have to spend 24 or more years in school then be relegated to slavery?}]) from… and how many of BHO’s fellow travelers have intimated that they would like to kill those who criticize the Scary Stuff
The truth my friends, is often so frightening that we refuse to believe it. At other times it seems to be insulting. Barak Obama decries the fact that the government can’t be moved as fast as he wants it to be. Yet as I study the history of the USA I find that the founders wanted a small government. Granted they didn’t really trust big business either as there is some truth in the idea that the larger a business gets the more aspects of a government it takes on. So now we have a president who is consolidating all the businesses in the country allowing the big banks to crowd out the little banks, buying car companies and consolidating health care so you have no choice as to where or from whom you get care (if you can get care soon [after all contrary to what he said it will still cost more {or there will be fewer doctors, after all who would go into medicine if they have to spend 24 or more years in school then be relegated to slavery?}]) from… and how many of BHO’s fellow travelers have intimated that they would like to kill those who criticize them?,_progressives_and_socialists/page/full/

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Since it is September 11th, 2010 I would like to ask if there as many people as I think there are who are insulted that there is a 7 story deep hole where the world trade center towers used to be? Then next I'd like to know why St Steven's Greek Orthodox Church is having trouble getting rebuilt but some agent  provocateur can get plans for a mosque in the same area rushed through city hall?

This may be all I write today

(c) 2010 Vic Jones

Saturday, August 07, 2010


People need three things in order to live or perhaps four, these are the basic survival level needs you have heard them stated various ways but they boil down to food, water, shelter and security. It is the final need for security that all tyrants prey upon. Because people will accept almost any condition to avoid chaos which is the opposite of security. This is the reason that some people (including myself) suspect that at heart P. Obama is a tyrant. It seems that every time things start to settle down he stirs up a new sort of chaos. And it can be seen from history that other tyrants used the stirring of chaos to distract the populace from the creeping strangulation of tyranny.

© 2010 Vic Jones

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Please follow the link

If you read the piece I posted before this one I want to point you to an article that is far more articulate than I have yet learned to be on this subject.,_obama_should_look_in_the_mirror/page/full

I hope you will read and contemplate this.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Question for July 29, 2010

If the government fails to enforce one law either by design or by negligence does that not in essence negate all laws?

I’m sure that there are people who believe exactly that and that they are not so very wrong. For when the government fails to enforce even one law that is on the books the net result is an increase in chaos. Now I’m a firm believer that the fewer laws there are the better off we all are, after all simple laws are easier to understand and harder for sneaky lawyers to hide in as if they were a thicket where they can wait for the unwary passerby.

So why do you suppose the Obama administration is selectively not enforcing our immigration laws when we know that people with Farsi tattoos have been captured entering the nation from Mexico?

© 2010 Vic Jones

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