Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gun Bans are the Instruments of Tyrants

If you don’t believe the title of this article then you should learn history. After all a careful search of history will bear this out as the following quote from the socialist dictator Adolf Hitler shows. This year will go down in history. For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient and the world will follow our lead into the future.” —Adolf Hitler, 1935

I’m certain that more research into gun control laws on a world-wide basis would reveal that more tyrants than Hitler used this method to obtain total control of their nation. I know that the people of the Soviet Union were not permitted to have guns. Nor were the people of Mao's China. In England right now they are experiencing riots because gentlemen are no longer armed. And one very effective tool of the would be tyrant is to allow chaos to reign until the people demand that something, anything be done to restore order to the society.

I also note this for consideration here: In our prisons all weapons are supposed to be in the hands of the guards yet hardly a day goes by (I’d guess that in aggregate no day goes by) without someone (including an occasional guard) being stabbed. This of course does not include the fact that some prisoners will be beaten by others with fists or feet! Thus in the most controlled society that we have we see the presence of weapons and violence without weapons. Therefore we can draw the conclusion that it is not the weapons that are the cause of the violence but rather the minds of men.

If you are a woman you should be even more up in arms against any attempt to disarm you. After all the greatest indicator that you will not be raped is your ability to defend yourself. And ladies, a black-belt rarely trumps a weapon of any sort not even a knife.

Of course there are lots of laws regarding the size and type of knife you may carry as well all of which make committing a mugging easier. Or a home invasion less risky to the criminal. I join many who ask why it is that after a shooting spree by someone we want to blame the gun (which has no feet) for the mayhem caused by the deranged mind that chose to make his fellow man an object of prey.

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it.”
—William S. Burroughs

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Lesson 57 from the Hard Knocks School of Life

Socialism (or communism) seems to me to be systems of government based on greed and fueled by envy.
Communism and its child/sibling socialism are philosophies that are often hard to discuss rationally because people get heavily emotionally involved in these belief systems. Perhaps the reason for this is that so many people have invested their ‘treasure’ both in worldly goods and belief in these ideas and if anyone refutes these ideas they are devaluing the treasure that has been invested in them.

Yet when one takes the time to examine the idea that everyone should have the same stuff, (goods and services) without all of the emotional baggage, it becomes very evident that communism is childish or infantile at best and evil at worst. The reason for this is that not everyone wants, or needs, or deserves the same things in life. For very young children it may only seem fair that Johnny doesn’t have a cookie when Timmy doesn’t have a cookie. But adults can easily understand that if John works every day he has the goods and services he earns while if Tim refuses (not cannot) to work then he should likewise have what he has earned which is poverty.

© 2012 Vic Jones

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lesson 56 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

Men only dare greatly if they expect great rewards. The government that seeks to limit the size of reward that a man may hope for or expect is foolish at best and tyrannical at worst.

Some say that greed, or need is the mother of invention and I would have to say that the first is closest to the truth. That is because no matter how great the need of a people group is the only reason something new is attempted (which is the essence of invention) is if the person who is making the attempt believes he will reap some reward that he feels is adequate to his effort.

The only difficulty I have is in calling the self-interest that inspires invention greed. This is because I do not believe that wanting a better life in and of itself is a manifestation of greed. It seems to me that greed is when you try to prevent other people from having a better life. Or when you desire something and steal it rather than work for it.

The characterization of profit as evil is one of the many ways in which the lazy and greedy rulers of a society work to make it easier for them to steal from those who work and produce the good things they desire but do not wish to soil their hands with the production of.

© 2012 Vic Jones

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Tough Times Ahead

I extracted the following quotes from this article. I believe that it is well worth your time to read but if you don’t feel like it then consider these words of wisdom.

"The history of taxation shows that taxes which are inherently excessive are not paid. The high rates inevitably put pressure upon the taxpayer to withdraw his capital from productive business and invest it in tax-exempt securities or to find other lawful methods of avoiding the realization of taxable income. The result is that the sources of taxation are drying up; wealth is failing to carry its share of the tax burden; and capital is being diverted into channels which yield neither revenue to the Government nor profit to the people." Andrew Mellon Secretary of Treasury for Warren Harding.

It seems to me that we would be very foolish not to look at history and see what has occurred at other times from the current era to the fall of the Roman Empire which can be traced back to policies that are very similar to those of the current president of the USA.

For wisdom let us look at someone from the party he says he represents though from another time: John Kennedy.

"Our true choice is not between tax reduction, on the one hand, and the avoidance of large Federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits… In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now." John F. Kennedy

We are spending money we don’t have to make things better in the USA today. This is like a family maxing out all of its credit cards. The question remains this: What will happen when no other nation will lend us money? That I believe is a fearful day and fast approaching. Worse yet is the day when no one will accept our money, when it is viewed with the same disdain as the peso… indeed times are going to get tough.

© 2012 Vic Jones

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Lesson 54 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built. Abraham Lincoln

Let us paraphrase this for the modern era: Let not the poor man steal (whether with his own hand or by government action) from the rich but rather let him learn to become rich and build his own wealth thereby assuring that his wealth will be safe from the greed of other men.

Greed is without a doubt at the heart of wishing to have what you desire without work. But greed always leads to everyone having less goods and less security.

© 2011 Vic Jones

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Lesson 53 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

Human nature is universal, people are individual.

Self interest is a matter of human nature. In every society no matter how it is organized people will generally seek their own interests over everyone else. This is one of the generalities of human nature.

People are individual (this is also a generality of human nature) in that everyone will express some form of individuality even in the most conformist culture. Also even though everyone can be expected to seek his own interest it is never wise to expect that any one person will seek his own interest even when it may seem that he has an obvious interest.

© 2011 Vic Jones

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Lesson 52 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

Today’s lesson is a quote from Ayn Rand the author of Atlas Shrugged. “One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary.” —Ayn Rand, 1975

My first question on seeing this quote is: What is a Statist? A Statist is a person who invests the state (government) with the ability to answer all of life’s questions and needs. A person who believes this way is worshiping a false god of course but since the state has become their god you cannot do much to persuade them away from investing all of their effort into it.

In the modern era it is wise for us to remember that the statist will do his (her) best to destroy anyone who even begins to shake their faith.

© 2011 Vic Jones

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lesson 50 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

Jealousy and greed are interrelated; if I am jealous of my neighbor's car I am actually practicing covetousness which is a form of greed. If I am jealous of my wife or husband it is because I think of them as possessions rather than as people.

Some people think that self-interest is the same as greed I do not think that self-interest is the same as greed nor is it (self-interest) evil. Yet because it puts your welfare above other people’s welfare it is easy to mistake self-interest as greed.

Greed (and I’ll define it more in a later lesson) is insisting that you should be the only person to have possessions. It (greed) is not wanting more possessions than you currently have unless by having more things you seek to deny possessions to your neighbor.

© 2011 Vic Jones

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lesson 49 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

If you can't enforce the law then it is nothing more than empty words.
I suppose that the easy thing to say about this statement is that it should need no further explanation. It seems (at least to me) to be complete without adding to it. That does not mean that there are not other principles that cannot be obtained from it nor that there are not questions that must be asked if this principle is true. The first of those questions is this: When has the law become so complex that it is impossible to know or enforce?

© 2011 Vic Jones

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lesson 45 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

The only way that everyone can (or will) have the same amount of goods and services is if no one has any goods or services.
Of course even in the most aggressively socialistic or communistic countries it is evident that not everyone has the same things or the same services rendered to them. For example consider North Korea. Most of the population of North Korea lives in abject poverty while the ruler of the country (an absolute dictator) lives in luxury that would embarrass anyone with a sense of morality. The same can be seen in Cuba where the Castro brothers have lived in luxury while their people starved. Thus when anyone puts forth the idea that fairness consists of everyone having the same amount of goods and services it is well to ask whether he is willing to divest himself of his goods so that he can live up to his rhetoric.
© 2011 Vic Jones

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Budget Woes

P. Obama and his cronies in the senate have sent a budget to the people demanding that they be permitted to spend 20% more this year than they did last year. Then when the house which represents the people tells him that he can only spend 10% more than last year he throws a fit like a two year old denied a candy bar. I truly think both he and congress need a reality check. Let me explain a true budget cut. I have had a 20% reduction in actual income, not in projected income. This is a budget cut; not what P. Obama and Harry Reid are complaining about. Reality would demand that the government not spend more than 10% of the GDP and that they cease from taking money from those who earn it to give to those who refuse to work.

© 2011 Vic Jones

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lesson 34 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

‘Social justice’ is the shibboleth used by those who envy achievers especially those achievers who have become rich. When someone says that they want ‘social justice’ they are looking for ways to hide their own envy and greed.
Justice is done when each person is able to direct his life as he wishes so long as he is not harming someone else. It is not justice at all to look at another person’s goods (or body) and say that if you can convince the government to give it to you that such is your right!

© 2011 Vic Jones

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


I’m still struggling with the concept that there is anything that is necessary and at the same time evil. My conclusion is yes there is and the best example I can come up with is still a government or government generically.
I’m sure you are asking how this can be possible. In order to understand that government is evil and yet necessary you have to accept the position that mankind is evil. That in general and generically we all tend toward doing things that are evil. Once you accept that and accept that government (which is made up of people) is evil as well but necessary to curtail the tendency of people to be evil then you can begin to accept that government is a necessary evil.

© 2011 Vic Jones

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Lesson 27 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

In order to tell a believable lie the first thing you have to do is convince yourself that the lie is true.
Lying to ourselves is one of the worst habits that humanity has. It is this propensity that enables truly huge lies to be believed. The fact that we accept small lies (even demand them at times) leads us to be vulnerable to big lies.

This is the principle that Josef Goebbels recognized when he said that if you tell a lie often enough and loud enough (I’m paraphrasing) that people will eventually believe it.

The question I think we ought to ask today is this: What sorts of loud lies are we believing because we refuse to believe that someone would be so bold as to say such things if they weren’t true?

© 2011 Vic Jones

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Wham bam thank you ma’am,

Fucked up the arse again,

’Tis a new law,

Made in haste,

’Cause it’s an emergency,

Never mind that the old laws aren’t bein’ enforced,

We just gotta pass some more laws,

To make sure all the people are confused,

And so the advent of a tyrant!

© 2010 Vic Jones

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lesson 2 from The Hard Knocks School of Life

Sometimes the truth hurts; sometimes this is necessary, sometimes it is not, knowing the difference is tact. Trying to enforce a no pain caused standard is political correctness and encourages lying at best.

It has come to me that often the truth is offensive because it is like light is to cockroaches. When the light comes on cockroaches head for places to hide at full speed. When people who are doing evil hear the truth about what they are doing they react with violence and hatred against the person who has told the truth about their behavior

© 2010 Vic Jones

Saturday, August 21, 2010



Ex nihilo nihil fit : from nothing nothing is produced,

Making things takes effort,

And raw material,

And perhaps most of all,

It requires understanding,

That as each man goes his way,

He must keep most of what he produces,

Lest he stop producing,

Since he has nothing left,

After the tax man has visited like a hoard of locusts!

© 2010 Vic Jones

Saturday, August 07, 2010


People need three things in order to live or perhaps four, these are the basic survival level needs you have heard them stated various ways but they boil down to food, water, shelter and security. It is the final need for security that all tyrants prey upon. Because people will accept almost any condition to avoid chaos which is the opposite of security. This is the reason that some people (including myself) suspect that at heart P. Obama is a tyrant. It seems that every time things start to settle down he stirs up a new sort of chaos. And it can be seen from history that other tyrants used the stirring of chaos to distract the populace from the creeping strangulation of tyranny.

© 2010 Vic Jones

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Please follow the link

If you read the piece I posted before this one I want to point you to an article that is far more articulate than I have yet learned to be on this subject.,_obama_should_look_in_the_mirror/page/full

I hope you will read and contemplate this.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Question for July 29, 2010

If the government fails to enforce one law either by design or by negligence does that not in essence negate all laws?

I’m sure that there are people who believe exactly that and that they are not so very wrong. For when the government fails to enforce even one law that is on the books the net result is an increase in chaos. Now I’m a firm believer that the fewer laws there are the better off we all are, after all simple laws are easier to understand and harder for sneaky lawyers to hide in as if they were a thicket where they can wait for the unwary passerby.

So why do you suppose the Obama administration is selectively not enforcing our immigration laws when we know that people with Farsi tattoos have been captured entering the nation from Mexico?

© 2010 Vic Jones

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